Woah, are you using a VPN?! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

A passionate and adaptive developer interested in computer security and full stack software development, with a knack for helping others solve interesting problems.+4917635395943

Werkstudent at iits
Full Stack development

Softwareentwickler (Werkstudent) at Deta
Helped build the Deta Drive SDK (Python, Go, JS)

Software Consultant at OrcaChat LLC
Development (JavaScript, Flutter, Python, AWS and more) and dev-ops.

Intern at MTC Namibia
Documentation, a user manual, web development (Java SpringBoot and Thymeleaf).

Lead developer for Nocturne
Built an update for Nocturne, an Android music app with more than 500 000 installs on Google Play.

Namibia Health Informatics Project
A student built healthcare solution

A place to keep my work and assignments

My Website
My online portfolio built with as little help from libraries and frameworks as plausible

A library built to handle JSON data in Java

Book Keeper
Book management software written in Python2 with flask

Chatbot Documentation
Documentation for a chat bot

A proof of concept phishing site

A JavaScript pseudoterminal that looks like BSD

First attempt at making an API

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule
Bachelor Science Informatik

Namibian University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Computer Science

Bishops Diocesan College
High School

Wynberg Boys' High School
High School

M101P - MongoDB for Developers

Python for Data Science
PY0101EN - Python for Data Science

Data Visualization with Python
DV101EN - Data Visualization with Python


Python, Java, Pascal (Delphi), Ballerina, Go, C#, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Bash, Windows Batch, MongoDB

Web Development, Penetration Testing, Software Development

English (fluent), Afrikaans

German (advanced)

Nano, BitBucket (Git), VS Code, MS Office, Nmap, Metasploit

GNU/Linux (Debian, WEAKERTH4N, Kali, Parrot, Pop_OS!), Microsoft Windows, BSD, Android

Wynberg Outreach
School run outreach program

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